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Club AGM

Intro – Date 25th June 2023
Location – Pedal Mafia, Subiaco

AGM – 24 in attendance

Opening address – J Vinci
- JV welcomed everyone
- Provided an update on the club of where we have been and where we are going
- Strongly encouraged that the club requires everyone's assistance and everyone is welcome
to provide ideas whether it is for rides, events, kit ideas, burger rides
- Club has come a very long way however recognised that it has dipped of late and with everyone we can and will strengthen
- Safety and care with ride etiquette is paramount with respect to all

Rides – Confirmed 2 x Sanctioned Weekly ‘Club Rides’ – J Vinci / M Bushby / L Bartlett
- Weekly
- Wednesday 5.30am Raffs / 5.45 MTB Carpark Depart with sharp wheels Up / 2 Mins of Grace
o 3 groups – mids (shortened route),2s (normal route),1s (normal route)
o Make sure if you vouch for someone coming in you’re accountable
 If you bring a friend you MUST ride with them no matter their ability or
o Any good deals to be had at cheeky? M Bushby to speak with Cheeky Boy to arrange
coffee & toastie etc combo for fixed discounted price
- Friday – keep weekly and no one necessarily has to run
o SOR Easy loop 5.45 Raffs / 6am Under Narrows for Neighbourhood coffee
o NOR Easy short hills Coulston loop Bayswater Tavern 5.30am / Coffee at Willing
- Timing to be strict 2 minutes of grace with groups rolling out immediately from each others depart to avoid safety incidents, road furniture and traffic roadworks
- Social rides –
- Monthly ride
o Saturday – need to organise in advance SATURDAY will need to book a café in
advance – J Vinci to action
- All ~ majority Swans rides should be posted / keep it casual not mandated
- Timings – Wednesday – 2-3 mins confirmed period of grace
- Ride guidelines with quick chat prior to departure talking safety / detours
- Keep safety talks going when people start back riding again – all riders to come to coffee and everyone to make concerted efforts to introduce themselves and greet newcomers

Kit – J Vinci / L Bartlett to action
- Timing of new kit etc – how often / 1 x summer kit & 1 x winter. JV & LB to hold on
developing new designs till at least summer
- Wed – white summer (SS/LS) yellow winter (LS/therm/SS) – encourage all to purchase this
kit for familiarity and identification
- Off road kit – retain and is open to all to purchase
- Off road racing kit to be developed / R Van Dongan and E Ruffle to come up with design and

Tour of Margs – P Craven / K McClennan / Kelana action
- Some teams – people want to race it – great optical of Swans after huge success stories from
previous years
- Keith leading a mids team for margs
- Phil leading a solid team
- Grade teams potentially
- Raised that it’s good to be around it
- Club raise rego for approx. 4 teams
- Full women’s team ready
- Select teams in October pending availability of riders
- Train and ride as you wish
- Alternate if not wanting to race Margs an ‘Adventure Cycling Trip’ can be arranged – J Vinci
to look in to and action

Membership/Licensing – L Bartlett action
- Race/nonrace
- Off-road license with SDCC
- WestCycle –
- Club “membership payment”
- GK – membership/licensing
- Keep page private
- Check if non race license can attach to swans
- Up Swans club fee (?) have separate membership fee?

Racing – Kelana / Rohan to action
- Rohan/Kelana race leads
- Ensure teams race together – push a team mentality/team plan
- Bring a social aspect to racing
- Coordinate race kit – all wearing the same
- Confirmed to ride Aus Cycling races and NOT MASTERS
- Off road racing CX/Gravel – R VanDongan to review events and provide D Pol with calendar
and actions
- Rohan / Kelana to provide dates of road racing and crits to D Pol to update calendar
Social – J Vinci
- Ensure people come for coffee after rides etc – responsibility on everyone
- Off bike
o Xmas party – August 2023 forecast date
o Frequency
 22/July keith tdf pizza and pinot
 M Bushby TDF big event

On bike
o Increase number of on-bike events etc.
o Someone to look after on bike burg rides – D Pol / RvD North of the River, Blake and Bushby South of the River locations and dates
o All dates and events to be provided to D Pol to update Calendar

TDU/Events – Kelana
- Riding weekend/tour etc.
- TDU – kelana responsible to look after timing etc, let people know where/when they’ve
booked etc. 13-22 sat to Monday Kelana there. Most people come after second men’s stage
o Lots of organised rides from brands etc.
o Stay CBD
- Make sure not in opp to other events ie margs
- Have someone looking after events – anyone keen to look after it etc.
- Kelana to book info meeting to discuss and provide planning details
12 Monthly Calendar – Dave Pol to action
- Dave Pol the calendar man
- All events and dates to be sent to Dave P
- Dave P to circulate calendar fortnightly
- Calendar to be distributed via Swans Website link

Off Bike Kit – Craig Coetsee / J Vinci / L Bartlett
- Craig to assist with off bike kit
- Summer and a winter range
- Identify designs and manufacturer

- Several volunteers – great response J Vinci and L Bartlett
- Kat, Blake, Rohan, Dave, Buhby, Kelana, Phil, Jon Fannon

Sponsorship – M Bushby to action
- SDCC group sponsorships – M Bushby / ride and treat combo offerings
- Bike dr? RND and lakes – discounted bike services and purchases
- Pedal Mafia discount code – only to be given to paid up Swans members
Attendance: Kat Mclennan, Andrew Barticuito, Blake Anderson, Michael Bushby, Nikki Delaney, Rohan Van Dongen, Mitch Clarke, Keith Provast, Pete Minchin, Craig Cootsee, Sam Paulin, Barry Ryan, Dave Pol, Lachlan Stretton, Nathan van Vugt, Marcus Schafer, Kelana Saleh, James Fannon, Phil Craven, Patrick Apps, Luke Chan, Guy Kalma, Luke Bartlett, Josh Vinci

Chairman – J Vinci
Vice President & Club Secretary – L Bartlett